TFL Talkin’ Trucks Podcast Is One-Year Old! Thank You For All the Support

The podcast now has over 2.8 Million Downloads!

tfltruck tfl talkin trucks podcast anniversary

As you may know, the TFL Talkin’ Trucks podcast show has been on the air for just over one year. It and our car-focused TFLtalk podcast are becoming very popular thanks to all of your support. This is a way for us to discuss all the latest truck and car topics, invite industry-leading guests, include your feedback, and answer questions.

TFL Talkin’ Trucks and TFLtalk audio episodes are published and distributed everywhere – for example on platforms such as Apple Podcasts. Here is another place where you can find TFLtalk. So far, the TFL Talkin’ Trucks and TFLtalk audio episodes have over 380,000 downloads.

We also publish our podcasts in video form to Youtube here: TFLtalk The video episodes have been downloaded over 2.42 million times. This is a total of 2.8 Million combined downloads! As always, thank you for all of your support.

Here is one of our recent podcasts that is focused on the future of Toyota Tundra and other Toyota trucks.