Check out this Skydio R1 drone is can automatically follow you or your vehicle almost anywhere. We are constantly looking for new video recording technologies to bring you fun and informative truck videos. Skydio sent us their latest drone with a software update that allows it to automatically track and follow a vehicle, while avoiding obstacles such as trees and buildings. This is done with the help of no fewer than 13 cameras that are mounted on the drone. It is not tracking a device inside the vehicle.
The Skydio R1 drone has already been able to track people, but now it should also be able to track vehicles at speed of up to 20 mph. We had to try it out for ourselves by going to one of our favorite mountain trails, and also in town – right next to our offices.
It worked as advertised. It was able to follow the GMC Canyon off-road, and a Hyundai Kona around our office. There are a couple of downsides to the R1 drone. The drone is a bit louder than some others we have used in the past. It has approximately 10 minutes of flight time per charge, and the R1 retails for around $2,500.
Take a look at the video as Tommy tests out this latest drone.