It’s another Ask Mr.Truck episode, and it was live. We get many questions from you guys, and it is very important to us. We get to find out what trucks you drive, and what you concerns or questions are. Please send your comments or questions to ask@tfltruck.com
Kevin sent in the following question:
What are your thoughts on the break in period for a new truck? Chevy/GM have a recommendation in their owners manual, but when I asked the salesmen he said modern trucks down need one. I am following the GM guideline. I know people hook and go from mile zero.
Many people think it’s obvious that a brand new engine, transmission, and other driveline components need a break-in period. However, many do not think that proper break-in is necessary.
We always follow manufacturer specifications, and a break-in period is a big part of it. Usually, the new trucks we get for testing from manufacturers are already broken in. Most manufactures require anywhere from 500 to 1,000 miles of break-in. It depends on the engine and the manufacturer. This information is in the truck’s owner’s manual.
When necessary, we follow a “normal driving” break-in procedure that does not include wide-open-throttle accelerations.
Check out Mr. Truck in this live recording from our Boulder, CO studio. We address many questions in this episode.