TFLtruck’s Top 5 Movie or TV Trucks #1 – Maximum Overdrive Truck

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Come on, all of you have a favorite badass truck from a movie or a television show. No, B.J. and the Bear’struck didn’t make this list. TFLtruck’s Top 5 Movie or TV Trucks will count down to one, crowning its winner with accolades and high praise… well, not really.

This is a list based on our small team’s opinions alone. We looked at film and television to find a spectacular or highly notable truck. It may not be the focal point of the program/film, but these trucks stand out and imbedded their coolness upon us.

Maximum Overdrive Truck 2
Maximum Overdrive
was based on the short story Trucks, written by Stephen King. He wrote the big-screen version and opted to direct it too. It was a dismal failure. Still, it was entertaining and the main bad-guy truck was awesome.

The premise is mainly based on trucks (along with lawnmowers and some electronic tools etc.) coming to life and terrorizing humans. This includes a group of people at a truck-stop who are held hostage by several trucks.

A late (I believe) 1970s White-Western Star 4800 truck plays the main baddie. This truck has a Green Goblin (from Spiderman) head on the grill and it looks ominous. It pulls a “Happy Toyz” trailer.

Maximum Overdrive Truck 3
Why pick the Maximum Overdrive Truck to star on this list? Because, despite being a dismal failure, when people see the Maximum Overdrive Truck, they know exactly what it is.

Maximum Overdrive stars Emilio Estevez, Pat Hingle and Laura Harrington.

If you have a suggestion or comment regarding our choices, please add them below!

Nathan Adlen reviews vehicles from the cheapest to the most prestigious. His words, good humor and video are enjoyed  worldwide.
Nathan Adlen reviews vehicles from the cheapest to the most prestigious. His words, good humor and video are enjoyed
Nathan Adlen
Easily amused by anything with four wheels, Nathan Adlen reviews vehicles from the cheapest to the most prestigious. Wrecking yards, dealer lots, garages, racetracks, professional automotive testing and automotive journalism - Nathan has experienced a wide range of the automotive spectrum. Brought up in the California car culture and educated in theater, childhood education, film, journalism and history, Nathan now lives with his family in Denver, CO. His words, good humor and video are enjoyed worldwide.