Unsafe to Tow? Magic Towing Dust Revealed (Part 1)

Unsafe to Tow? Magic Towing Dust Revealed
Unsafe to Tow? Magic Towing Dust Revealed

In the United States the main car manufacturers have agreed on a common standard for calculating MPG and horsepower.

This means car and truck buyers can rely on the manufacturer’s numbers and compare apples to apples.

But when it comes to trucks and payload and towing no such common standard exists.

This also means that truck manufacturers have as much magic towing dust as they can sprinkle on a pickup.

Here is part 1 of TFL investigates magic towing dust.


Roman Mica
Roman Mica is a columnist, journalist, and author, who spent his early years driving fast on the German autobahn. When he’s not reviewing cars or producing videos, you can find him training for triathlons and writing about endurance sports for EverymanTri.com as our sister blog’s publisher. Mica is a former broadcast reporter with his Master’s Degree in journalism from Northwestern University.